Exploring our region

17 September 2018

Learning about history, our folk traditions, seeing the medieval town of Levoča, Spiš castle, Spišska Kapitula – an ecclestiatical town, Zdiar – a small village in the heart of beautiful nature with its original wooden cottages, and highlander lifestyle.

Spoznávanie histórie, našich ľudových tradícií, návšteva v stredovekom meste Levoča, Spišského hradu, Spišskej kapituly – cirkevného mesta, v Ždiari – malej dediny v srdci krásnej prírody s jej originálnymi drevenými chalupami a goralským spôsobom života.


What students say:

Tamara R.:
„ I really enjoyed the trip because, first of all, I love sightseeing and visiting castles, ruins. Secondly, I think this is a great way to educate youth about history of our country. It´s an interactive, memorable and interesting project…..“


„ Yesterday we visited a town called Levoca….I was amazed by the design of churches and houses. It was a trip full of education, fun and interesting information…..“


„I really liked that we could learn something new about our culture and history. I think it´s very important to know our culture. It´s really good we could see all these historical buildings……“


„I think that it was a very nice trip. I learned new things about Spiš region….I think that the project was good. I didn´t know that we have such beautiful cities in Slovakia. I heard about them but didn´t visit them…….I know, if I have friends from other countries in Slovakia, I will take them there.“


„……..All of the historical sites that we visited are in UNESCO. I really liked the trip. It was interesting to see how even in our small country there are lots of fascinating and old places……“


„The trip to Levoca was great. We had an option to be educated about the city that has really interesting history and beautiful buildings, statues……………….“

„I liked the trip because the places we went to were very interesting and I learned more by listening and seeing them in person. If we stayed at school and only listened about history, I think, I would learn much less……“


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